Where are you today, and where do you want to be tomorrow?


For Advice, Firms turn to ‘boards’    in CityBusiness
“They told me they went to networking groups and Chamber of Commerce meetings but they weren’t getting anything out of the meetings,” says the business psychologist.  “What they needed was to talk about business issues to other entrepreneurs and small-business people.”  [Complete article]

Who can CEOs ask for help?  CEOs    in Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal
No matter if a company is big or small, top executives often run into similar challenges when running a business.  Many Twin Cities executives are discovering new strategies and communities through confidential, non-competitive peer-to-peer groups.  [Complete article]

Surrogate Directors    in Twin Cities Business Monthly
In light of the saying that two heads are better than one, members of The Meridian Group have a veritable brain trust at their disposal.  Founded in 1993 by John Kurth, a small-business owner with group-training and personnel-assessment experience at such Fortune 500 companies as Xerox Corporation and McDonnell Douglas Corporation, the firm provides a roundtable for entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized business owners in a confidential setting…  [Complete article]

Straight Talk at the Table    in Minnesota Technology
You own and operate a small manufacturing company.  You have sales of a half-million dollars and employ a dozen persons.  You want your company to grow, of course, but you’re not sure in which of several possible directions to concentrate your efforts.  [Complete article]

Customer Profile: The Meridian Group    in Western Bank Business Line
The success of a business often depends on the business owner’s knowledge, skills, abilities, and execution.  Important and sometimes critical business decisions need to be made every day.  However, far too few owners and presidents actually engage in activities to improve themselves developmentally.  [Complete article]


Shedding Light On Vision    by John Kurth
Entrepreneurs are faced with successes and challenges each and every day.  Why is it that some entrepreneurs consistently succeed while others struggle, flounder or even fail?  [Complete article]

A Human, Creative Act    by John Kurth
Entrepreneurship is a human, creative act that builds something of value from practically nothing.  It is the pursuit of opportunity regardless of the resources, or lack of resources, at hand.  Entrepreneurship requires a vision and the passion and commitment to lead others in the pursuit of that vision.  It also requires a willingness to take calculated risks.  [Complete article]

Breaking the Status Quo    by John Kurth
Entrepreneurs are unique and diverse people.  Yet, they do share many commonalities with one another.  They tend to be creative, optimistic, hardworking and inventive individualists.  They like to make the rules while breaking the status quo.  [Complete article]

An Inexpensive Alternative    by John Kurth
A strange phenomenon occurs after an entrepreneur’s enterprise becomes profitable and then stabilizes financially.  He or she starts attending seminars, workshops, guest speaking engagements and such.  Why?  [Complete article]